059ARK - Lady Henze.jpg

Lady Henze
Lose Yourself to Dance, 2020

aerosol on custom panel
48”H x 48”W


Because my work is abstract, I am always looking for different ways to connect people with the pieces. I have begun to title my work with the names of songs, building whole playlists around the paintings as I work on them. Music, and dance, is something all humans share culturally. It is universal, and combined with kaleidoscopic colors, I hope that it brings some joy, a smile, a vibe, a connection that every person can make.

Artist Bio:

My art has only one requirement: color. I work in two distinct styles, abstract and geometric—and color is what unites them. I’m inspired by street artists, neon signs, tile work, pop culture, movies, music, the candy aisle, and the bizarre reality show that is life. Behind all my work is my personal struggle with addiction. I paint because I got a second chance at life, because it is the thing that brings me joy, and so that others know there’s hope.