079ARK - Rachel Lena Esterline.jpg
079ARK - Rachel Lena Esterline - detail2.jpg

Rachel Lena Esterline

digital photo print
21”H x 31”W

ARTwork statement:

When Donna Personna said to me, “What closet? ” I knew she was not only my sister, but my mentor. Trans America is a space where her light can shine bright and proud.


Change scares the shit out of ignorance. As a photographer and activist, I’m also, mostly, a student constantly relearning to unlearn. I document this process through passionate collaborations, where the tension between strength and vulnerability traces an endless dialogue about fear and evolution, trust and power. My images offer a full-access-pass to the interior of femme power, aiding the lives within my community to attain visibility. This path has led to a deeper, fulfilling knowledge that all movements border the cause of another. Sisterhood is Powerful.

079ARK - Rachel Lena Esterline - detail1.jpg